Blog Archives

QualityGal Update: New Styles, The Oatmeal and More!

Happy Friday Everyone! Thank you for all of your hard work this week! QualityGal has been buzzing with new projects; one of which is a TOTALLY REVAMPED QualityGal Styles List! Look for more info on this coming soon; we are

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Posted in Article Formats, Fun Stuff, News, QualityGal updates

Share Your Secrets for Success!

Good Afternoon Team! We are excited to be expanding our pool of fantastic writers. QG is currently accepting applications for the freelance writer position. To welcome our new writers, I just wanted to remind everyone of the resources that are

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Posted in Article Formats, Training, Writing Tips

QG Writing Styles

Hello Team! Just a quick FYI, if you claim an article that has “the style is up to you” or a style is not noted, please choose from any one of the 17 QG styles posted in the writer resources.

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Posted in QualityGal updates

When in doubt, read the Style Guide

Happy Friday!! Have you read the Style Guide lately? Giving the Style Guide a quick read-through every now and then would greatly improve everyone’s writing.  It’s so easy to forget little rules, or fall back on bad habits, or just

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Posted in Training

Style Guide Update: Dashes

I have reversed my decision about the proper use of dashes that are not hyphens.  Previously, I was looking for a single dash surrounded by spaces, which was automatically converted in an en dash my Microsoft Word.  This was confusing

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Posted in QualityGal updates