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Freelance Writer Application

Thank you for your interest in applying as a freelance writer with Online Writing Jobs!

Before you share any personal information with us, we’d like to tell you a little bit about ourselves:

  • Online Writing Jobs has been around since 2006, previously branded as QualityGal. We rebranded because this very lovely and relevant domain was available; it was time for a facelift (and that lift has held up quite well, if we do say so ourselves!), and nobody (of repute) searches for QualityGal or its variants.
  • We are limited to U.S.-based writers who can provide the required documentation. See step #3.
  • Writers can invoice at will, and we pay weekly via PayPal or check.
  • We use a per-project, rubric-driven pay scale, and final payment is linked to the grade indicated by the rubric. Average payout ranges between $27 and $10 per project, depending on the project specs.
  • Showcase your skills and niche knowledge with additional direct-offer dedicated writing opportunities.

Everyone, like onions, has layers. If you’d like to peel back more of ours, feel free to email [email protected] and one of our in-office staff members will help you.

Now that you’ve gotten to know us better, we’d love to know more about you!

Step #1 – Complete Our Online Application Form

Please be sure this is your full legal name for payroll purposes
Can you complete emergency articles? (turn around of less than 6 hours)
We are not accepting applications outside the U.S. at this time
Please be specific

Step #2 – Show Us Your Stuff! - View Instructions

OK, now we need a sample. Oh, but wait… You don’t work for free? How about for “exposure dollars”? For hugs? No? Just cold, hard cash? (Well, not literally; that would be an accounting nightmare.) Deal.

Here’s one more little tidbit about OWJ: We don’t want to work with writers who work for free. We understand the effort, or lack thereof, that goes into free work. So we’re willing to pony up $10 for all accepted writing samples.

Get accepted. Get a job. And get $10. Not a bad gig so far! So here’s what you need to do:

  • Create great, original content according to these writing instructions.
  • Copy and paste your completed and proofed sample into this text box.
(if right clicking won't paste, use Ctrl+V or click on the icon)

Note: Accepted applicants receiving payment for their original writing sample relinquish ownership of the content to Online Writing Jobs and are not permitted to use, sell, or publish the writing sample elsewhere. A payment of $10 will be made available for invoicing through the Online Writing Jobs Writer Panel.

Would you like to show us more? Well, OK. If you’ve written and published content elsewhere on the Web, we’d love to take a peek. Please, no personal references or thesis papers: We’re sure they are well-written and glowing, but we’re most interested in niche and commercial content. Paste in the URLs of your original work below.

Step #3 – Excuse Us, Our Legalese Is Showing

All jokes aside, this is important. Please bear with us as we collect the necessary documents needed to comply with internal processes and best practices.

In order to comply with IRS regulations, all applicants must provide a copy of their valid government-issued ID (such as a driver’s license, state identification card, passport, etc.) as proof of identity and residency.

We also require a completed and signed W-9 income tax form. We do not need your first-born (though we might be interested in your second if you’re not too attached — can s/he write yet?).

How do you submit these required documents and wrap up this application with a nice, neat little bow? A few different ways:

  • Fax your completed and signed W-9 form and a copy of your valid government-issued ID to our secure fax number: 866-303-8266
  • Mail your completed and signed W-9 form and a copy of your valid government-issued ID to:

Attn: Online Writing Jobs
13226 West Flagstone Court
Sun City West AZ 85375

Once your application with that great writing sample, copy of your government-issued ID, and completed and signed W-9 income tax form have been received, our in-office team will review your application and follow up within 1-3 business days regarding your application status. If you don’t hear from us within that time frame, something has gone horribly wrong. Please email us!

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