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How to Win at Scrabble: Words You Need to Know

If there’s one thing most word nerds love, it’s a good game of Scrabble (or Words With Friends, for the more tech-addicted among us). Of course, having a good vocabulary isn’t everything if you want to win Scrabble games: Strategy

Posted in Fun Stuff

What’s That Symbol For? Uncommon Punctuation

Have you ever found yourself looking at a symbol in a book, perhaps down in the footnotes, or examining a character on your computer keyboard and wondering, “What the heck is that thing, anyway?” If so, you’re not alone. At

Posted in Fun Stuff

How to Anger a Nerd: Controversial Grammar Rules

Want to start an argument fast in a room full of writers and editors? Come down decisively on one side or the other of these seven contentious grammar issues. While most grammatical conventions are settled and agreed upon, these rules

Posted in Fun Stuff, Writing Tips

Prefixed Pessimists: Words That Are Only Negative

Prefixes are little groups of letters that are usually attached to the beginnings of words to modify their meanings. And interestingly, the most common ones all usually carry negative meanings, like “anti-,” “de-,” “dis-,” or “un-.” These prefixes can be

Posted in Fun Stuff

Typographical Trivia to Increase Your Nerd Cred

If you’re the type of person who frequents freelance writing sites, you’re probably also a logophile, someone who loves words — a word nerd, if you will. But while some people geek out about words, others find themselves fascinated by

Posted in Fun Stuff