Reminder – Writer Panel & QualityGal Blog Maintenance

(EDIT: Started the process at 6:44 pm )

(EDIT2: Things looking ok at 7:39 pm  Thanks for your patience.)

Hello Team:

On Monday December 7th, 2009 we will be migrating the Writer Panel and the QualityGal Blog to a new server. We are doing this to facilitate the addition of a mailing list for new articles (for those who have signed up to receive email notifications on new articles), and to address some of the stability issues we’ve seen in the past few weeks. This will be started tonight at approximately 6 PM (EST) and will be completed in a few hours.

We anticipate about an hours worth of downtime as we migrate the databases, please don’t panic. Between Monday, 12/7/09 and Wednesday, 12/9/09 you may notice the writer panel at the URL Please DO NOT update your bookmarks to this URL. will be following closely behind.

The blog will be up and running on both sites, so you should see any announcements while we work through this update.

Thanks again for your patience. We hope to bring the email announcement feature to you soon!

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