Why Is A New Content Release Form Needed?

It’s nothing really big or as involved as some may think. There are just a few reasons we need to have an updated form in your folder.

  1. To continue to protect the privacy of our clients.
  2. An addendum was made to the content within the form to prevent negative and false statements.
  3. A very important reason, derogatory and inaccurate comments being posted about QualityGal.

As QG makes changes and improvements to the Writer Panel and its processes, writers have experienced frustrations, rightfully so, and shared them with others publicly. There is absolutely nothing wrong with venting or discussing concerns with others; it can help to talk about it.

Normally QG would ignore the normal “letting off steam” people tend to do from time to time. Though we try hard and much to our dismay, we know you cannot please everyone all the time. Unfortunately, when it started to become inaccurately divulged information we had to put the untruths to rest.  I’m not going to provide specific details of comments made, but I will tell you I can stand behind this:

  • QualityGal has a strong work ethic.

If you have not forwarded your completed and signed Content Release form yet, please do so immediately to avoid payment delays.

Thanks and happy writing!

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