QG Updates: Writer Panel updates and our RSS feed!

Do you subscribe to our RSS feed?  We suggest that you should, because the QG blog (and Twitter!) is our preferred method of communicating news to you guys.  We hold all writing staff accountable for all announcements we post here, so following our RSS feed will be extra insurance you’re never out of the loop!  (For more info on how to subscribe to a RSS feed, here’s a tutorial that should be helpful.  Our RSS button is located in the site header.)

We also have an exciting Writer Panel update that’s currently going live!  There’s a new top tab labeled “Writer Information” that includes the new Suggested Styles list, new writer info, and any other documents we consider “for writers’ eyes only” (how James Bond!).  When the information in that tab is updated, we will be posting those updates here.  Watch this space!

How are you liking the Suggested Styles?  Is it helping?  We want your feedback!

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Posted in QualityGal updates, Writer Panel Improvements
2 comments on “QG Updates: Writer Panel updates and our RSS feed!
  1. Rhonda says:

    Personally, I love the new guidelines. I feel more secure taking assignments because there is no guessing about ‘do this unless this…’ or unless this, do this…’. The guidelines still give me room to move without strangling.

  2. QualityGal says:

    I’m so glad!! We thought this would make both the clients and you guys very happy. 🙂