Celebrate National Coffee Day! Photo by Ernst Vikne (Flickr)
Happy Friday, Everyone!
As it starts to get cooler here in upstate New York, the QG staff is excited for one of the more under appreciated holidays of the year. We are talking about none other than September 29th, National Coffee Day!
Whether you prefer iced or hot, cappuccinos, mochaccinos, espressos, or the traditional cup of Joe, this holiday certainly deserves our attention.
To kick off our week of coffee appreciation, I would like to share a few delicious nuggets of caffeinated knowledge. Did you know…
- The coffee bean is actually a seed inside a bright red berry that resembles the cranberry.
- Coffee originated in the province of Kaffa in Ethiopia.
- The latte is an American creation. If you order a latte in Italy, they will give you a glass of steamed milk, and lots of funny looks.
- Dunkin’ Donuts® is the world’s largest coffee chain. With more than 7,000 shops worldwide, they rake in approx. 4.7 million dollars annually.
- The average coffee drinker has an average of 2-3 cups of coffee per day.
- The phrase “cup of Joe” originated in World War II when Instant Coffee was included in soldiers’ rations. The ‘Joe’ is connotative of “G.I. Joes”, a term used to describe soldiers.
The QG staff has a wide range of coffee preferences:
Heather loves Dunkin’ Donuts® blueberry coffee with skim milk and two Equal®, and this wonderful invention called the Buzz Latte made by Gina at Jitters Café in Saratoga Springs, NY. It has two shoots of espresso and chocolate syrup, along with skim milk and extra foam.
Christine loves traditional brewed coffee with Grand Marnier. This tasty after dinner drink is the perfect way to wind down and warm up as the New York days get shorter and the weather gets cooler.
Francus is our office coffee connoisseur and prefers Coasta Rican blend with cream and lots of sugar; he’s very particular and isn’t afraid to walk out of a coffee shop if they don’t have his blend of choice. He has also been known to hoard a plethora of sugar packets and has nearly enough to open his own coffee shop – servicing only Costa Rican blend, of course.
Be careful not to celebrate too much; if you have more than 300mg of caffeine you may get the jitters! More Caffeine Facts
We would love to know; what is your coffee of choice?